Worship Indoors or Online this morning
Join us for Worship indoors today. We ask that you wear a mask, regardless of vaccination status. This will allow more people to gather and allow us to sing together.
You can also watch it on Facebook or YouTube. Download the Liturgy.
If it’s helpful to you we are offering nursery care for little ones — those able to sit up on their own through four years old — from the beginning of worship through The Peace. Our greeter can show you the way when you arrive.
Roles on Sunday morning and during the week
Please consider serving Redeemer by helping in our Children’s formation and other roles. Please go to our https://redeemer.churchtrac.com/card/7 to get started.
News & Announcements
Suggest a Person, Ministry, or Ministry Project
A significant change in Redeemer’s proposed budget this year is bringing our top line giving to mission—our first fruits—up above 10% of our operating budget. In order to properly steward these resources, we need your help. Suggest someone you know who may need benevolence help here. Suggest a local ministry or ministry project we can help with here (suggest a project only if you’re willing to help organize and lead).
January Vestry Meeting
Today following worship