Sing a New Song

Psalm 96 is primarily a quotation from King David's song of triumph upon the return of the Ark to Jerusalem from Philistine captivity. The Psalmist, writing hundreds of years later, introduces the Psalm with an exhortation to "sing a new song!" Written most likely from exile, the Psalmist's call to sing a new song raises interesting questions. What's the old song that we aren't singing anymore? And what's new about the new song?

I wonder what happened in the Psalmist and his people to inspire such a passionate exhortation, such an urgent invitation to worship. Some of us will find a new song on the tips of our tongues; others will search in vain for a tune. Either way, God is inviting us to see things the way He does and discover how much we're a part of His plan.

I look forward to exploring this Psalm with you on Sunday!

And I also look forward to gathering with you in small groups during the 8 weeks of Lent where we can discover and sing a new song together. We're sending out a survey to ask whether you're interested in gathering together in a home-based small group. I encourage you to respond so that we can plan accordingly.

In Messiah,

+Steve Engstrom

Suggest a Person, Ministry, or Project

A significant change in Redeemer’s proposed budget this year is bringing our top line giving to mission—our first fruits—up above 10% of our operating budget. In order to properly steward these resources, we need your help. Suggest someone you know who may need benevolence help here. Suggest a local ministry or ministry project we can help with here (suggest a project only if you’re willing to help organize and lead).

January Vestry Meeting

This Sunday after worship.

A Little Greener

We’re hoping to reduce our paper use moving forward, and you can help. Consider downloading and using our weekly bulletin on your phone or other device. The link is always included in our Sunday morning 7AM email. You can also use the QR code when you arrive Sunday morning.

Photo by Ryk Naves on Unsplash


Worship Indoors or Online this morning


Worship Indoors or Online this morning