Just One Thing

Just One Thing

In the 1991 comedy City Slickers, Mitch (Billy Crystal) asks Curly (Jack Palance), in a moment of vulnerability, about the secret…the secret of life. “One thing,” Curly says, “just one thing. You stick to that and everything don’t mean nothin’”

Well, Curly doesn’t say it exactly that way, but that’s the gist (for you church history buffs, he uses Martin Luther’s favorite scatalogical word).

That, however, is not the point. Just One Thing is.

Because, the confession and practice of ‘just one thing’ is exactly what St. Paul told the Corinthian church in 1 Corinthians 12 was the “secret” to a healthy and robust spiritual life and community.

See you Sunday,


Recording Secretary

Cathy Gillikin has been served with great skill and integrity as our Vestry’s Recording Secretary for the past six years, and she’s retiring. Thank you Cathy (for serving so well, not for retiring though you deserve it).

What this means is that we need someone with an eye for detail, the ability to summarize sometimes tangential conversations, a penchant for keeping accurate records, and personal integrity willing to serve for about 3-4 hours per month. This position is behind the scenes, but vital.

If you're interested, or would like to suggest someone for this position, please email: steve@redeemerannapolis.org

A Little Greener

We’re hoping to reduce our paper use moving forward, and you can help. Consider downloading and using our weekly bulletin on your phone or other device. The link is always included in our Sunday morning 7AM email. You can also use the QR code when you arrive Sunday morning.

Picture credit: Nicholas Jeffries on Unsplash


Worship Indoors or Online this morning


Worship Indoors or Online this morning