First Sunday of Advent
During the four Sundays of Advent, the Church looks back on Christ’s coming to earth at Christmas in celebration, while simultaneously looking forward with anticipation to Christ’s second coming and the consummation of his eternal Kingdom. And during this season we examine ourselves and prepare our souls for both, though much emphasis is given in these weeks to the second (in fact, it wasn’t until the Middle Ages that Advent was linked officially to Christ’s first coming).
That’s why, on Advent 1 in this year’s lectionary cycle, we’re drawn to St Paul’s first letter to a young church at Thessalonica where Christ’s second coming is one of the most prominent themes. It’s mentioned in every chapter.
And from this book we will examine the passage assigned for Sunday to see if there may be something particularly helpful for us in this season of preparation.
Christ The King
On the last Sunday of the liturgical year, Christians worldwide celebrate The Feast of Christ the King. This relatively recent addition to the Church calendar, established in the early 20th century (on the heels of WWI), holds a profound purpose—to acknowledge the dominion of our king, Jesus Christ, over all of creation and every aspect of our lives.
We understand the kingship of Christ to mean that Jesus has authority over all creation. This authority is based on his identity as the Son of God and in his work of redemption. He is a king who serves, sacrifices, and redeems—a ruler who establishes a kingdom not by military might but by love, justice, and the ultimate sacrifice of himself on the cross. His resurrection is the vindication of his kingship and his ascension as his enthronement.
The church calendar perfectly positions this Feast on the last Sunday of the liturgical year before Advent begins. We end the year triumphantly proclaiming Christ as King and start the new liturgical year earnestly waiting and praying for the ultimate triumph of Christ at the end of time.