You Keep Using That Word

You Keep Using That Word

Maybe the best schtick in the cult classic “The Princess Bride”, besides “Stop that rhyming now, I mean it!” “Does anybody want a peanut?”, has to be Inigo Montoya’s retort on about the 49th time Vizzini exclaims, “Inconceivable!”

 “You keep using that word,” he says, “but I do not think it means what you think it means.”

 The Psalm appointed for Sunday extolls the benefits of a righteous life. But who are the righteous? It’s unfortunate that the word “righteousness” has been flattened today to connote primarily, if not exclusively, some kind of (generally off-putting) personal piety. Think “Church Lady” from bygone SNL sketches.

It’s a word we keep using, but I do not always think it means what we think it means. Because the ancient biblical conception of righteousness is far more robust, expansive, and good than that—not just for us, but also for our neighbors. In fact, Proverbs 11:10 says something counter intuitive to our post-modern ears, “When the righteous prosper, the city—everyone—rejoices.”


That’s what we’ll explore together Sunday.




Home Groups—Our Lenten Home Groups begin the week of March 9th and continue through the week of May 11th. For details, see Wednesday’s email, or talk to Steve Engstrom Sunday.

 Teen and Adult Catechesis—This five-week offering is for those seeking to be confirmed during Bishop Julian’s next visit on Palm Sunday and to anyone who would like to explore or refresh their encounter with the basics of historic discipleship. Sunday, March 9 through Sunday, April 6, 8:45 – 9:45AM in our Parish Hall. Email Tori Fox if interested (

 Morning Prayer—Tuesday-Friday mornings, 8AM on Zoom.

 Evening Prayer—Wednesdays, 7PM @ 1309

 Women’s Bible Study—Saturdays, 9AM @ 1309

 Men’s Bible Study—Thursdays, 7AM @ 1309

 Shrove Tuesday—March 4Invite someone to your home for a Pancake Supper!

 Ash Wednesday Service—March 5, 7PM 

Photo Credit: Wiki Fans


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