2025 Home Groups
Dear Redeemer Family,
I am glad to invite you to our 2025 Home Group focus, “Known by God: A Biblical Theology of Personal Identity” by Brian Rosner, an Australian New Testament scholar in our Anglican Communion.
Exploring this theme together will continue our emphasis on developing mature, authentic, and fulfilling relationships with God and others. While we understand that forming mature relationships is central to Christian discipleship, we also recognize that they can be challenging. After all, relationships require intimacy and intimacy is complex!
Rosner demonstrates how being known by God is not only theologically significant but also deeply satisfying and richly rewarding for enjoying God, experiencing love, and expressing love in return. His book will provide us with substantial yet accessible content, deep engagement with Scripture, and thought-provoking questions for personal meditation and group discussion.
This year, we’ll have two sessions covering the 15 chapters of the book: 8 sessions during Lent and another 8 sessions during Advent. (We’ll be planning additional opportunities during the summer). We encourage everyone to participate!
For now, I would like to ask everyone to send us your availability for the first session during Lent: starting Sunday, March 9th, ending the week following Sunday, May 11th (with a couple weeks off during Holy Week and Easter). Since we want to keep Wednesday evenings free for Evening Prayer, we’re planning to organize groups around Sunday afternoon; and Monday, Tuesday, and/or Thursday evenings depending on responses.
There will be limited childcare on Sunday. Please indicate whether you need childcare.
The cost of the book is about $20 online at most major booksellers.
Please email Tori Fox with your availability preferences no later than Monday, February 24th. After evaluating responses, we will confirm assignments the following week.
I look forward to our time together this year and encourage you to participate!
In Messiah,
Steve E+
Photo Credit: Photo: Daiga Ellaby/Unsplash