Palm Sunday, Holy Week, Catechism and Confirmation,


Palm Sunday and Holy Week

This Sunday we begin Holy Week by joining Our Lord in his journey to Jerusalem, humble and riding on a donkey, There will be an all-age procession with palm branches. We hope this will be outdoors though there is a forecast of rain. Pray with us that the rain holds off until later in the day.

We will also be observing Holy Week at these services at 1996 Generals Highway.

April 1 at 7pm Maundy Thursday Recounting the Last Supper on the night Our Lord was betrayed.

April 2 at 7pm Good Friday Remembering how Jesus suffered the agony of the Cross for our redemption.

April 3 at 12pm (via Zoom) Holy Saturday Awaiting the resurrection with patient hope. Link to Zoom call here.

April 4 at 10 am Easter Day with Baptisms Joyfully meeting Christ on the third day.


Catechism (and Confirmation)

April 18, 25, May 2, 9 after worship with assigned reading during the week.

We will eat lunch together and hear a summary of one of the four sections of the catechism. After this we will discuss any questions arising from our reading. The last session will include a written examination. Please acquire your copy of the Catechism as soon as possible and register so you can receive the course introduction on April 11.

Learn more and register


New Website Design

If you clicked the link above you’ll notice a new look and feel to the website. A few other changes to be aware of:


Worship Indoors or Online tomorrow


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