Cardinal Point, Financial Update, and More


Cardinal Point

There are cardinal numbers, cardinal compass points, cardinal virtues, and Cardinals in the Roman Catholic Church…none of which have anything to do with the bird or the color.

Cardinal (cardinalis) is the Latin word for hinge, like a door or gate turns or pivots on.

This week’s Gospel describes a cardinal point in the ministry of Jesus.

From Peter’s perspective, in one brief moment the whole thing takes a turn. And not for the better.

See you Sunday.


2020 Year-End Financial Recap

Now that we’ve closed the financial books on 2020 (a year we all looked forward to seeing in the rear-view mirror), we can report to you the surprising and wonderful things God continues to do financially through our congregation:

  • Generous year-end giving allowed us to finish our budget in the black, and also to overcome significant non-budgeted COVID-related expenses, allowing us to finish the year with a net positive income of nearly $2,700. Total general fund giving in 2020 was $176,500.

  • December giving to our Forward Fund (money reserved for future facility needs) totaled $110,000(!), and brought this fund up to $120,000.

  • Designated giving beyond general fund commitments totaled $16,000. $12,000 of this has been distributed, including nearly $5,300 toward medical debt relief.

  • We finished the year with just over $200,000 in net equity. After accounting for non-cash equity and restricted funds (Forward and Emergency Funds), we have about $68,000 in available funds, sufficient to cover about 5 months of budgeted expenses.

As you can see, we have much for which to be thankful to God! Thanks, too, for your generous and sacrificial support, allowing our community to finish the year in a strong financial position and helping us to continue the pursuit of our shared vision: “To proclaim and promote the Gospel; giving ever more time, talent, and treasure to seeking the flourishing of our neighbors.” 

Sincerely in Christ,

Jim Evans, Treasurer


New Mailing Address

Redeemer has a new mailing address:

Redeemer Anglican Church,
1783 Forest Dr. #249,
Annapolis, MD 21401


News & Announcements

Daily Prayer:
Monday evening - Friday morning for 30 minutes at 8:00am and 5:00pm.
Zoom call at

Communion Remotely: Available for pick up on Saturdays.
If you cannot attend with us live on Sundays you can still receive communion while watching our live broadcast.
Email to arrange a pick up.


Palm Sunday, Holy Week, Catechism and Confirmation,