The Lords Patience

Patience has been described as, “The quality you admire in the driver behind you, but can’t stand in the driver in front of you.”

For most of us, the virtue of patience is hard…and not something we’re very good at. But in the time leading up to Advent, and during Advent itself, we’re told over and over again as part of our preparation to wait with patience for the coming (the advent) of the Lord, both first and second.

And so it’s a nice contrast in this Second Week of Advent, that we, along with the original recipients of St. Peter’s second letter are strongly encouraged not to work on our own patience, but to instead savor and rejoice in the gracious patience of the Lord as a fulfillment of his loving purposes.

Turns out he’s very good at it.


Either/or brains, Both/and Gospel.


Wait and intercede