Worship Live or Online this morning

Join us for Worship indoors today. Masks are not required.

You can also watch it on Facebook or YouTube. Download the Liturgy.

News & Announcements

Discovery Dinner—for those new(ish) to Redeemer
Thursday, February 2, 6:30-8:30PM at the Wishart’s. Register with Steve: steve@redeemerannapolis.org

Lenten Small Groups

This season, our Lenten Small Groups will be reading Dane Ortlund's “Gentle and Lowly: The Heart of Christ for Sinners and Suffers” aided by the Gentle and Lowly Study Guide—both available on Amazon.  Our reading will accompany a sermon series based on key themes from this book. “Gentle and Lowly” helps us meditate on the heart of Jesus for us and learn how to feel loved by him even in our worst moments, as well as our best. Feeling forgiven is essential for forgiving others and opens up new possibilities for healing, maturity, fellowship, and ministry.  We hope you'll join a group this season, lasting about 8 weeks from the week prior to Lent (February 13th) to Easter (First week of April).

If you’re interested in hearing more about Small Groups or joining one, click here.

Joy Together Sundays

One Sunday per month over the next four months, we are taking a different approach to our worship service. For about 40 minutes or so, we'll pray the Daily Office (Morning Prayer service) together. If you are unfamiliar with it, you can check it out online here. For about 20 minutes, we'll break for some refreshment. Then for an hour, we'll focus on one key theme from a book our Small Groups studied last year called “The Other Half of Church”. This book is meant to help us experience facets of the Gospel together in a “relational” way that helps us build joy together. The authors, following current brain science research, define joy as the feeling we get when someone is “glad to be with us.” As we noted above, this is a great description of Jesus' name Immanuel, "God With Us”—even when it meant enduring the cross on our behalf.  On Joy Together Sundays, we'll learn and practice different ways of experiencing that joy.  

Children's Formation will be provided during the teaching hour as usual and we'll plan to be finished by noon.

We hope you'll pray for Redeemer during this season of becoming more mature in our experience and expression of the Gospel individually and together. And we hope you'll be involved in our Lenten Small Groups and Joy Together Sundays.  

Peace in Immanuel,

Steve Engstrom+




Eight Words