What Do You Want?

What Do You Want?

In the George Bernard Shaw play, Man and Superman, one of the characters says something that can at first seem contradictory, “There are two great tragedies in life; one is to not get your heart’s desire, and the other is to get it.”

It requires some thought, but the most basic meaning of this is, when it comes to our heart’s deepest desire—what we really, really want—getting and not getting can bear identical fruit, leaving us disappointed, frustrated, and unfulfilled.

So, guard your heart.

This is why philosopher Jamie Smith calls “what do you want?” the “first, last, and most fundamental question of Christian discipleship.”

This week’s Psalm leans hard into that question, and this week, so will we.

See you Sunday.


Suggest a Person, Ministry, or Ministry Project

A significant change in Redeemer’s proposed budget this year is bringing our top line giving to mission—our first fruits—up above 10% of our operating budget. In order to properly steward these resources, we need your help. Suggest someone you know who may need benevolence help here. Suggest a local ministry or ministry project we can help with here (suggest a project only if you’re willing to help organize and lead).

Second Sunday Sandwiches

Sunday, January 9, following worship.

January Vestry Meeting

Sunday, January 9

A Little Greener

We’re hoping to reduce our paper use moving forward, and you can help. Consider downloading and using our weekly bulletin on your phone or other device. The link is always included in our Sunday morning 7AM email. You can also use the QR code when you arrive Sunday morning.

Picture Credit: Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash


Worship Online this morning


Worship Indoors or Online this morning