

I love the word "welcome." The Cambridge Dictionary has a nice, simple description: "If someone is welcome, you are pleased when they visit you."

When I was in college, I became very good friends with an elderly gentleman, Arvid, and his wife, Merle. I met them in church. Arvid had studied philosophy and theology, yet had few acquaintances with whom to share and discuss ideas. Few seem to be all that interested in what he had to give, but I was. Every Wednesday evening, Arvid would pick me up in his large Oldsmobile and we'd weave back to his place for an evening of dialogue. Merle would serve us cake and milk and then we'd retire to the basement among Arvid's bookshelves for rambling forays into existentialism, biblical criticism, natural law, and the history of doctrine. I didn't know at the time how much our weekly conversations meant to him; he was lonely and unable to share his learning and make a contribution. As an eager college student, I provided an opportunity for him to pass on his wealth of knowledge and contribute meaningfully to the world. I was innocent and sincere—I had no ulterior motives. I liked cake and Kierkegaard! I valued Arvid and Merle.

And so, they were glad to see me. They were happy when I walked in the door and I was very glad to be with them. I was welcome.

Paul wrote to the church in Rome that they should “welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.” Advent is about comings—Jesus's first and second comings, to be exact. We may have heard Advent sermons asking whether we are welcoming Jesus into our hearts, but this year, perhaps we should turn the question on its head and ponder how Christ has welcomed us.

I will be glad to be with you on Sunday!

Steve Engstrom+

Christmas Cookie Swap—Tuesday, December 13, 7-9 PM
Women of Redeemer, lets gather at the Wishart’s for a Christmas Cookie Swap! We’ll sample cookies, enjoy a few light snacks and festive beverages, share a devotional, and get to know one another better. Bring your favorite cookies and recipes to share. Bring a friend, too! RSVP to Karissa Simmons: karissa@redeemerannapolis.org

Second Sunday (of Advent) Sandwiches

Sunday following worship.

Discovery Dinner

Thursday, December 8, 6:30-8-30PM at the Wishart’s. Register with Steve: steve@redeemerannapolis.org

Annual Meeting—Sunday, December 11

Following worship we’ll share some “brunch” (bagels, gluten-free snacks, fruit, juices, coffee, etc.) then reconvene for an hour or so for our Annual Meeting. We’ll share what’s happened in 2022 and our leadership, plans, and budget for 2023.

Fast Fridays
During the season of Advent, Christians have historically exercised the spiritual disciplines of fasting, praying, repentance, and almsgiving. These are important because they help us keep the main thing the main thing during a season that culturally can too often entice us to excess and indulgence. Join us in skipping lunch on Fridays in Advent and devoting that time to prayer for ourselves and others.

Weekly Men’s Bible Study

Thursday mornings 7:00-8:00 AM in Eddie Holt’s workshop. Talk to Eddie Holt or Steve Wishart for details.

Christmas Eve—Lessons and Carols

5:00 PM

Christmas Day—Holy Communion

10:00 AM

Picture credit: Tim Mossholder on Unsplash


Worship Indoors or Online this morning


Worship Indoors or Online this morning