We Live in Story
We Live in Story
Life is not a set of propositions; it is a series of scenes, both dramatic and mundane.
Eugene Peterson—pastor for 30 years, seminary professor, and translator of “The Message”—said, “We live in narrative, we live in story. Existence has a story shape to it. We have a beginning and an end, we have a plot, we have characters.”
Story is the language of the heart. Our souls speak not in the naked facts of mathematics or the abstract propositions of systematic theology; they speak the images and emotions of story. The stories we hear and tell over and over again are deeply formational. Our stories become, what C. S. Lewis evocatively called, “the habitual furniture of our mind”.
I believe that’s why in this week’s Old Testament reading, as Israel was readying for their entry into the land of promise, God gave them a liturgy—a story to tell over and over again in order to form them deeply in a particular and necessary way. It’s an old story that still speaks vibrantly to us today, and I’m looking forward to exploring it with you Sunday.
Home Groups—Lenten Home Groups begin next week!
Teen and Adult Catechesis—March 9 through April 6, 8:45 – 9:45AM in our Parish Hall. It’s not too late to join in. Contact Steve Engstrom.
Second Sunday Sandwiches—Sunday following worship.
Vestry Meeting—Sunday following Second Sunday Sandwiches.
Morning Prayer—Tuesday-Friday mornings, 8AM on Zoom.
Evening Prayer—Wednesdays, 7PM @ 1309
Women’s Bible Study—Saturdays, 9AM @ 1309
Men’s Bible Study—Thursdays, 7AM @ 1309
5th Sunday Potluck—Sunday, March 30 following worship
Bishop Julian Episcopal Visit—Palm Sunday, April 13, 10AM
Holy Week:
Maundy Thursday Service—April 17, 7PM
Good Friday Service—April 18, 7PM
Holy Saturday Service—April 19, noon
Easter Sunday Service—April 20, 10AM
Remember Daylight Saving Time begins this weekend.
Photo: Meagan Martin on Unsplash