

The Holy Saturday gospel reading tells us of two Marys (Magdaline, and the “other” Mary, we don’t know who) sitting opposite Jesus’ tomb.

Joseph of Arimathea took Jesus’ body, wrapped it in a clean linen cloth, laid it in a new tomb, rolled a heavy stone over its entrance, and went away. He leaves. The two women don’t, however. They remain faithfully there as Friday heart-achingly becomes Saturday.

Holy Saturday is a day of silence and stillness, waiting and wondering, remembering and hoping. That’s what the faithfulness of the Marys looks like on that day. There’s not much to do except to be present in the reality that is and wait in hope.

The Holy Saturday Service—lasting only about 15 minutes—is a very good way to keep front-of-mind Jesus’ temporary—but very real—place with the dead, and to wait in hope with the two Marys. We’ll gather at noon on Zoom.


Picture credit: Ranier Rido on Unsplash


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Holy Week