Most people don’t know this, but Vincent van Gogh—known for his beautiful and thoughtful paintings—was a devout Christian and Dutch Reformed preacher. He knew the story of Scripture well.
Vincent loved to paint ordinary things. Some of his most famous paintings were of a simple yellow chair, a vase of sunflowers, and a few beached sailboats. Among them is a painting called A Pair of Shoes. Just a couple of old boots, tattered and dirty. What van Gogh called “the most ordinary and unglorious objects” he could imagine.
And that’s what they seem, until you pay more attention to what’s going on in the picture.
It’s what van Gogh does with light. Check out how the boots are illumined from beyond the painting. He meant them to describe a life not just of labor and toil, but of vast dignity, even glory.
The boots are glorious because they reflect the glory of the person that has labored so long and so hard in them. They tell the story that their owner was made for the glory of God, was made to be a glory-bearing, glory-reflecting creature.
I’m powerfully drawn to this painting because—to me—these boots also tell the story of a God who over and over and over again entrusts the most ordinary and unglorious men and women as bearers of his glory in the world. Literally stakes his reputation on them. That blows my mind.
We see a couple of extraordinary examples of this in this week’s readings.
Shrove Tuesday—Tuesday, March 4. It’s not too late to invite someone over for a Pancake Supper!
Ash Wednesday Service—Wednesday, March 5, 7PM @ 1309
Home Groups—Our Lenten Home Groups begin the week of Sunday, March 9th
Teen and Adult Catechesis—This five-week offering is for those seeking to be confirmed during Bishop Julian’s next visit on Palm Sunday and to anyone who would like to explore or refresh their encounter with the basics of historic discipleship. Sunday, March 9 through Sunday, April 6, 8:45 – 9:45AM in our Parish Hall. Email Tori Fox if interested (tori.fox@redeemerannapolis.org)
Morning Prayer—Tuesday-Friday mornings, 8AM on Zoom.
Evening Prayer—Wednesdays, 7PM @ 1309
Women’s Bible Study—Saturdays, 9AM @ 1309
Men’s Bible Study—Thursdays, 7AM @ 1309
5th Sunday Potluck—Sunday, March 30 following worship
Image: A Pair of Shoes by Vincent van Gogh, 1886