Totally Dismissed
Photo by Marco Lastella on Unsplash
Have you ever felt totally dismissed?
Maybe you were ignored, treated as an inconsequential member of the public by some big politician, or worse treated like a lowly servant... to be seen but never to be heard?
The people of Jesus’ hometown were dismissive of him when he came to minister in their midst. (Mark 6) Jesus had shown himself as a great prophet and healer in Capernaum, only twenty miles from Nazareth, but in his own hometown he was nothing but a carpenter's son, a lowly servant to be dismissed.
But it is through Christ's humiliation, it is through his weakness that God chooses to reveal his redemption and salvation to the world. Remarkable.
And what is equally remarkable is that God chooses to use us as the heralds of this good news of redemption to the world, the weakest of messengers. He calls us as well to rest in our weakness for the Kingdom of God. He says "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Are you content with being weak, or even being dismissed in your life for the Kingdom of God?
Looking forward to ministering to you this Sunday!
With us this Sunday and next…Robert and Melissa Burns
Robert and Melissa are not strangers to Redeemer, but come to us now from Kalispell, MT where they serve as church planters with the Diocese of Western Anglicans. As a retired Naval officer of 32 years and a retired Navy Chaplain, Robert brings a unique perspective from his years of service abroad. Though ordained as an Anglican Priest in 2019, Robert brings decades of experience in ordained ministry. Melissa, in addition to her work with Robert on the church plant, works as a licensed counselor and therapist. They’ve been married since 1991 and have one daughter, Priscilla, who lives in Annapolis and works as a Zookeeper for the Maryland Zoo.
Sunday, July 11
Second Sunday Sandwiches following worship
Vestry Meeting 12:30-2:30
Sunday, July 18
Family Picnic following worship