To the End—Gentle and Lowly, Part 10 (book chapters 22-23)

To The End—Gentle and Lowly, Part 10 (book chapters 22-23)

I think it was from Tim Keller that I heard this for the first time, years ago now: “When Jesus looked down from the cross, he didn’t think, ‘I am giving myself to you because you are so attractive to me.’ No. He was in agony, and he looked down at us—denying him, abandoning him, and betraying him—and in the greatest act of love in history, he stayed. He said, ‘Father, forgive them, they don’t know what they’re doing.’ He loved us, not because we were lovely to him, but to make us lovely.”

For his own, Jesus persists in that determined love today and will persist in it through eternity. Of immense comfort is something  John Bunyan wrote in 1743, “Love in Christ decays not, nor can it be tempted to do so by anything that happens, or shall happen hereafter, in the object so beloved.” 

The heart of Christ for sinners and sufferers does not flash with tenderness occasionally or temporarily, sputtering out over time. It persists steadily, consistently, everlastingly when all loveliness has withered.

How do we know?

That’s that we’ll explore together Sunday. See you then.


Part-Time Employment Opportunity

Anna, Redeemer’s part-time Administrator, will be heading to Europe for school in August. There are many reasons we will miss her, not the least of which is the excellent and indispensable administrative support she brings to us. We will, therefore, be hiring and training a new part-time administrator (8 hours per week) as soon as is feasible. If you or someone you know is personable, has an eye for detail and organization, and a desire (and capacity) to take on part-time work, please email for a job description.

Second Sunday Sandwiches—Sunday following worship

June Vestry Meeting—Sunday following Second Sunday Sandwiches

Some Upcoming Events

  • Saturday, July 15—Bowie Baysox Baseball and Fireworks

  • Sunday, July 30—Fifth Sunday Potluck

  • Sunday, August 27—Worship, Blessing of Students and Educators, and Picnic on the Bay

  • Saturday, September 9—Bowie Baysox Baseball and Fireworks

  • Sunday, September 10—Adult Confirmation Class begins (six weeks)

  • Sunday, October 22—Bishop Julian Episcopal Visitation

Picture credit: Will Stewart on Unsplash


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Worship Live or Online this morning