Solidarity—Gentle and Lowly, Part 2

Solidarity—Gentle and Lowly, Part 2

Christ is revealed to us in the New Testament in the threefold Office of Prophet, Priest, and King. Prophets were tasked with speaking God’s Word to the people; the King represented God to the people; and the Priest represented the people to God…exactly how these Offices functioned in ancient Israel.

The next part of our series, “Gentle and Lowly”, deals largely with the book of Hebrews—a book primarily about the priestly work of Christ. Christ himself being the Priest to end all Priests. The One who is representing us to God.

And Christ’s Priestly work is captured best by the word “solidarity.” It’s not a word we use a lot today, but it’s a magnificent word. It conveys his “withness”. Christ is with us. He is one with us. He experiences what we experience. His joy and happiness are bound to ours. And Hebrews seems especially anxious to let us know that Christ is in solidarity with us not just when we’re doing well, but in our anguish, in our pain, in our failures, and in our penitence.

See you Sunday.


The Book

“Gentle and Lowly: The Heart of Christ for Sinners and Sufferers” by Dane Ortlund is the book we’ll be working our way through over the next few months, and the study content of our Small Groups this spring. We’d like everyone to read it! You can purchase it at church this Sunday, or buy it on Amazon.

Don’t Have Time?

Don’t have time to read a book right now? Try this excellent 14-day devotional from Gentle and Lowly. A number of people have also asked about recommendations for Lenten devotionals…this would be a very good place to begin.

Second Sunday Sandwiches—Sunday following worship.

Redeemer Vestry—Sunday following Second Sunday Sandwiches.

Joy Together Sunday—March 26. Click here to find out more.

Baptisms—Easter Sunday, April 9

If you or one (or more) of your children have not been baptized and you would like to find out more about doing so, contact Steve Wishart:

Maundy Thursday Service—April 6, 6:30PM

Good Friday Service—April 7, 6:30PM

Holy Saturday Service—April 8, noon on Zoom


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