So, what is Catechism anyway, and why Confirmation?


So, what is Catechism anyway, and why Confirmation?

We’ve got an Adult Catechism and Confirmation Class beginning Sunday, April 18, noon to 1PM (lunch included).

“Catechesis” comes from a Greek word that at its most basic means “instruction”. Over the centuries, for Christians it has come to connote specifically “fundamental instruction in the faith” vital to the life and faith of every believer.

And I know some of you still have questions about what Confirmation is, and why it’s so vital.

If you’re not convinced about a Bishop publicly anointing you with oil and commissioning you to Christian life and mission (or why we even have a Bishop!) come to the class anyway. Confirmation isn’t required. You’ll still receive some excellent instruction in The Lord’s Prayer, The Ten Commandments, and The Apostles’ Creed…and even why, as a part of the worldwide Anglican Communion we do some of the quirky things we do.

It’s just four weeks that I believe you’ll really benefit from…even if you’ve been a Christian for decades.

You can always use a refresher. And you can find out more and register here.

Job Opening: Administrator

We’re seeking a part-time Administrator (6-8 hrs/wk).

Redeemer’s Administrator plays a vital role, ensuring relevant records are accurately kept and reported, systems and processes are institutionalized, communications are accurate and professional, and assisting the Rector and Vestry in the day-to-day management of the church. There’s an errand or two to run every week, but the work is primarily from home and the schedule very flexible.

If you or someone you know might be interested, please email JoEllyn Fountain ( for a detailed job description and salary information.

See you Sunday, rain or shine.



Worship outdoors or online this morning


Easter Day worship outdoors or Online