When my two sons were in highschool, they worked for a window-washing company. They often sprayed exterior windows and siding with cleaning solutions. I asked them how they protected the bushes and flowers surrounding the houses from harmful chemicals. They explained that prior to washing exteriors, they would first drench the surrounding foliage with water. The plants would soak up the water and would therefore not ingest the cleaning solutions that followed.
I was thinking about that while pondering Jesus' resilience to the temptations of the devil that we'll explore together in Luke 4. Jesus was full of something other than what the devil was offering. I think that says a lot about how God's people face trials.
I look forward to seeing you on Sunday to dig a little deeper together.
Steve Engstrom+
Small Groups
Small groups begin on Sunday.
A Little Greener
We’re hoping to reduce our paper use moving forward, and you can help. Consider downloading and using our weekly bulletin on your phone or other device. The link is always included in our Sunday morning 7AM email. You can also use the QR code when you arrive Sunday morning.
Picture credit: Briton Riverie, The Temptation in the Wilderness. (1898).