Annual Congregational Meeting
If you were unable to join us Sunday for our Annual Congregational Meeting, I would ask that you take some time to watch the video of the livestream here It was an important moment for our congregation moving forward, our priorities for 2022, and how we hope to resource them (the meeting begins around the seven minute mark on the video). The meeting brochure can be found here, and our 2022 proposed budget can be found here.
Why Our Budget is “Proposed”
Our budget is always “proposed” until finalized at our first Vestry meeting of the new calendar year (the second Sunday in January). The way our congregation “votes” on our budget is in their written intention to support it with their regular giving (you can read a bit about the process here). We ask that those non-binding “commitments” be made in person by filling out a card and placing it in the offering plate by Sunday, December 26, or digitally here by December 31, 2021. Our Vestry takes this very seriously and has in the past significantly trimmed the budget to match commitments. Please, don’t wait.
Suggest a Person, Ministry, or Ministry Project
A significant change in Redeemer’s proposed budget this year is bringing our top line giving to mission—our first fruits—up above 10% of our operating budget. In order to properly steward these resources, we need your help. Suggest someone you know who may need benevolence help here. Suggest a local ministry or ministry project we can help with here (suggest a project only if you’re willing to help organize and lead).
Thanksgiving and Advent Giving
Light House needs these essential items now. This is the final Sunday to participate. Just bring the items to church with you, and we’ll make sure they’re delivered.
Christmas Schedule:
Friday, December 24, 5:00PM—Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols
Saturday, December 25, 10:00AM—Morning Prayer on Zoom
Sunday, December 26, 10:00AM—Holy Communion
Christmas Eve Offering
Did you know that more Nigerian Christians have been killed in 2021—simply for being Christian—than in any other nation on earth? Mostly by Boko Haram and Fulani tribesmen, militant Islamic groups. Things have been especially violent in the Anglican Diocese of Zonkwa (this video contains some potentially disturbing images). As many of you will remember, Redeemer began its Anglican life with roots in both the ACNA and the Church of Nigeria. We will be taking an offering at our service of Nine Lessons and Carols on Christmas Eve to directly benefit our sisters and brothers there.
Today is Fast Friday
I am asking that you join me today—the penultimate Friday of Advent—in skipping one meal and devoting that time to prayer. Prayer that’s:
Audacious: the expression of profound longing for something beyond what can now be imagined;
Enthusiastic: it’s“in God” as the word literally means…en theos. It’s rooted in and inspired by the character of God revealed in Jesus (in this way, even biblical lament can be said to be “enthusiastic”); and,
Hopeful: it’s firmly fixed on the future. It believes confidently that God will one day bring heaven and earth together in a new way, with the personal presence of Jesus as the central feature and light of this new world. God’s will will be done.
And if nothing audacious comes immediately to mind, join me in praying that God would miraculously provide a suitable permanent home for Redeemer and all the resources it will require.
One more thing…
The Fourth Sunday of Advent is historically called Annunciation Sunday (not to be confused with The Feast of the Annunciation on March 25th (think about it, 9 months to the day before Christmas)). It’s why we will read—and sing!—a setting of The Magnificat, the Song of Mary from Luke 1:46-55. You can listen to the setting we will sing together here.
Wow. That is a lot. See you Sunday.
Picture Credit: Leonardo Da Vinci, The Annunciation (c. 1474)