

In her insightful book, Partnering, Jean Oelwang—a remarkable business and philanthropic leader—asserts that every significant good thing that happens in the world, or nearly so—from the discovery and closing of the ozone hole in the 70s and 80s, to the dismantling of apartheid—happens as the result of robust partnerships that give birth to an ability to work at remarkable scale, do great good, and also find great fulfillment.

 “I hesitate to even call these unions partnerships,” she writes, “because the word actually does these relationships a disservice. A partnership is noun, a thing. Two people may have a partnership, or be in one. But to be able to reap the true benefits of the dynamic, it must always be active. It must be a verb, a regular practice.”

In listening to her book, which I began Tuesday, I’ve found incredible resonance. Not just because of the inspiring stories and case studies, but something much deeper in my soul…and by Wednesday, I understood why.  We—you and me—are made for partnering. We are literally created by it and for it.

From the Holy Trinity in Creation—the purest and most mysterious of partnerings—came the creation of men and women in the image of “Us” and a vital partnering in the stewardship of creation.

There are so many examples of this dynamic partnering in redemptive history, not the least of which is God’s Covenant with Abraham and Sarah—which we will read about in this week’s Old Testament reading—to bring forth a people God could call his own and through whom he could bless all the peoples of the earth.

 In all of redemptive history—and on into eternity—God partnering with men and women is essential. It’s just baked into the story. Even in this week’s Gospel reading, in which the idea of partnering doesn’t at first seem obvious, it’s integral. And when you really pay attention to it, for the most obvious reason.

See you Sunday.



Home Groups—Lenten Home Groups continue next week.

Teen and Adult Catechesis—through April 6, 8:45 – 9:45AM in our Parish Hall.

Morning Prayer—Tuesday-Friday mornings, 8AM on Zoom.

Evening Prayer—Wednesdays, 7PM @ 1309

Women’s Bible Study—Saturdays, 9AM @ 1309

Men’s Bible Study—Thursdays, 7AM @ 1309

5th Sunday Potluck—Sunday, March 30 following worship

Bishop Julian Episcopal Visit—Palm Sunday, April 13, 10AM

Holy Week:

  • Maundy Thursday Service—April 17, 7PM

  • Good Friday Service—April 18, 7PM

  • Holy Saturday Service—April 19, noon

  • Easter Sunday Service—April 20, 10AM

Photo: Claudio Schwarz on Unsplash


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