Not Pro Forma

Not Pro Forma

There’s a very funny and smart scene in the irreverent comedy Monty Python and the Holy Grail in which King Arthur demands to know from a filthy peasant what Lord lives in a nearby castle. An argument ensues, which leads to this exchange:

Arthur: “I order you to be quiet!”

Filthy Peasant: “Oh, order, eh? What gives you the right?”

Arthur: “I am your king!”

Filthy Peasant: “Well I didn’t vote for you.”

And that’s just the point of the bit. We’re entirely acclimated to appointing our leaders by election and not having them accede by divine right. Kings don’t have to be electable, they’re just king. Monarchy is literally foreign to us, which makes The Feast of Christ the King—this Sunday—a little foreign to us, too. Add to that the fact that because it happens like clockwork every year the end of a long season of Ordinary Time, and it makes the whole thing seem maybe just a little pro forma.

Except that it’s not.

Why is it it good and necessary that we set aside a time every year to bow to and celebrate Christ the King? That’s what I’m planning to explore with you this Sunday.

Hope to see you then.


Christmas Giving Opportunity

We are filling gift shoe-boxes for children to contribute to the Samaritan's Purse/Operation Christmas Child. (See - “Operation Christmas Child”, and we'll have further information available Sunday.)

Weekly Men’s Bible Study—begins Thursday, December 1

7:00-8:00 AM in Eddie Holt’s workshop. Register here.

Discovery Dinner

Thursday, December 8, 6:30-8-30PM at the Wishart home. Register with Steve:

Photo of stained glass panel detail: Public Domain

Redeemer Annual Meeting

Sunday, December 11 following worship.


Worship Indoors or Online this morning


Worship Indoors or Online this morning