News and Announcements


Teen and Adult Catechesis

Announcing a new catechism course for teens and adults during Lent! This five-week offering is for those seeking to be confirmed during Bishop Julian’s next visit on Palm Sunday and to anyone who would like to explore or refresh their encounter with the basics of historic discipleship. 

 If you have not been confirmed or want to support those who seek it, I encourage you to participate. Our 2019 Prayer Book has a nice summary of the service of confirmation and explains why we treat it seriously.  

 In Confirmation, through the Bishop’s laying on of hands and prayer for daily increase in the Holy Spirit, God strengthens the believer for Christian life in the service of Christ and his kingdom. Grace is God’s gift, and we pray that he will pour out his Holy Spirit on those who have already been made his children by adoption and grace in Baptism.  (Page 174)

 To prepare confirmands, our Lenten catechesis course will use “A Short Course Based on the Book of Common Prayer, 1662” composed by a great ACNA theologian, Bishop John Rogers, of blessed memory. He was a catalyst for the ACNA’s commitment to formation and discipleship.  


  • Beginning Sunday, March 9th through Sunday, April 6th

  • Time: 8:45 – 9:45 Sunday mornings

  • Location: Parish Hall

  • Materials: Bible, notebook, and handbook provided by Redeemer

RSVP by Monday, February 17th to Tori Fox to confirm your interest and contact me if you have any questions about the program or content.

 We hope you’ll join us!

 Peace in Messiah,

Steve E+

Women’s Bible Study

We are thrilled to announce the start of a Women’s Bible Study beginning Saturday, February 15 and continuing through June 21 every other week 9:00AM-11AM in the Parish Hall at 1309. We will be using as our guidebook A Woman’s Words by Chrystie Cole (Chrystie and Ken attended Redeemer for several weeks in the fall while sailing down the coast to somewhere warm).

You can explore Chrystie’s website here.

A Woman’s Words can be purchased on Amazon ($13)

If you are interested in attending or have any other questions, please contact our administrator, Tori Fox.

If you’re interested in potentially helping as a table facilitator, please contact Lauren Wishart.

Evening Prayer—Wednesdays, 7PM @ 1309

Men’s Bible Study—Thursdays, 7AM @ 1309

Second Sunday Sandwiches—February 9 following worship

February Vestry Meeting—February 9 following Second Sunday Sandwiches

Photo Credit: Incarnation Anglican Church, Williamsburg, VA


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