Never Cast Out—Gentle and Lowly, Part 3

Never Cast Out—Gentle and Lowly, Part 3

In John 9—where this week’s Gospel reading comes from—Jesus heals a man born blind. Then, because of his association with Jesus, he's “cast out” of the Synagogue (the Jews having previously decided that this would be the punishment for anyone confessing Jesus as Messiah, we’re told). For Jews in the first century this was a crushing situation ultimately resulting in, if not recanted, complete excommunication (no community, no employment, no business dealings) and a loss of the Jewish exemption from Roman Emperor Worship. The result was destitution at best, and at worst, imprisonment and eventual execution.

This is, in part, what makes Jesus’ words in John 6:37 so resonant, “All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never cast out.”

The words rendered “never” in this passage—literally “not not” in Greek—are magnificent. Whereas in English we’d read this as a double negative, the second “not” negating the first, in biblical Greek it’s an “emphatic negation”—the second “not” radically intensifying the first. This makes “not not” more akin to, “never ever ever ever ever… (ad infinitum)”. Radically emphatic, wouldn’t you say?

I’m enthused enthused about exploring this with you Sunday (bashful smile emoji).


Bishop Julian Episcopal Visitation—Sunday, June 18

Sound in the Quiet Room—we now have sound in the Quiet Room (behind the Sanctuary) for those who might like to utilize it during our service.

The Book

“Gentle and Lowly: The Heart of Christ for Sinners and Sufferers” by Dane Ortlund is the book we’ll be working our way through over the next few months, and the study content of our Small Groups this spring. We’d like everyone to read it! You can purchase it at church for $10 this Sunday, or buy it on Amazon.

Don’t Have Time?

Don’t have time to read a book right now? Try this excellent 14-day devotional from Gentle and Lowly. A number of people have also asked about recommendations for Lenten devotionals…this would be a very good place to begin.

Joy Together Sunday—March 26. Click here to find out more.

Baptisms—Easter Sunday, April 9

If you or one (or more) of your children have not been baptized and you would like to find out more about doing so, contact Steve Wishart:

Maundy Thursday Service—April 6, 6:30PM

Good Friday Service—April 7, 6:30PM

Holy Saturday Service—April 8, noon on Zoom

Picture credit: Michael Marion on Unsplash


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