Minor Fall, Major Lift

Minor Fall, Major Lift

Leonard Cohen’s song “Hallelujah” (originally something like 80 verses!) was written as a somewhat bitter complaint to God. As originally written, the first verse says:

Now I’ve heard there was a secret chord

That David played, and it pleased the Lord

But you don’t really care for music, do ya?

It goes like this, the fourth, the fifth

The minor fall, the major lift*

It’s a cold and ever broken Hallelujah.

In other words, even in rejoicing (or trying to) there’s the tension of a cold and ubiquitous kind of brokenness. And there’s truth there.

This side of the Second Advent, rejoicing isn't a simple thing. The beautiful Advent hymn “O Come, O Come Emmanuel” captures this tension well both lyrically and musically: minor fall, major lift (even if briefly), minor fall. It’s a song of rejoicing, and yet there’s brokenness.

The readings for this SundayGaudete (i.e. Rejoice) Sunday (the pink candle)—also capture this tension well: minor fall (James and Matthew), major lift (Isaiah). But then, why shouldn’t they? This tension is the very heart of the Gospel itself: We are more sinful and flawed in ourselves than we ever dared believe, yet at the very same time we are more loved and accepted in Jesus Christ than we ever dared hope. Minor fall, major lift. Brokenness and rejoicing. Tension.

See you Sunday.


*In a major scale the third scale step is a minor chord, the fourth and fifth are major. Ascending, it’s minor fall, major lift.

Annual Meeting—This Sunday, December 11

Following worship we’ll share some “brunch” (bagels, gluten-free snacks, fruit, juices, coffee, etc.) then reconvene for one hour for our Annual Meeting. We’ll share what’s happened in 2022 and our leadership, priorities, and budget for 2023.

Christmas* Cookie Swap—Next Tuesday, December 13, 7-9 PM
Women of Redeemer, lets gather at the Wishart’s for a Christmas Cookie Swap! We’ll sample cookies, enjoy a few light snacks and festive beverages, share a devotional, and get to know one another better. Bring your favorite cookies and recipes to share. Bring a friend, too! RSVP to Karissa Simmons: karissa@redeemerannapolis.org

*“Christmas” cookies not required…you can bring your favorite anytime cookies instead.

Christmas Eve—Lessons and Carols


Christmas Day—Holy Communion


Fast Fridays
During the season of Advent, Christians have historically exercised the spiritual disciplines of fasting, praying, repentance, and almsgiving. These are important because they help us keep the main thing the main thing during a season that culturally can too often entice us to excess and indulgence. Join us in skipping lunch on Fridays in Advent and devoting that time to prayer for ourselves and others.

Weekly Men’s Bible Study

Thursday mornings 7:00-8:00 AM in Eddie Holt’s workshop. Talk to Eddie Holt or Steve Wishart for details.

Picture credit: Kalisa Veer on Unsplash


Worship Indoors or Online this morning


Worship Indoors or Online this morning