Joy Together

Joy Together

When I was about 5 years old, it snowed for the first time that year, and, overwhelmed with joy, I danced in the front yard singing praises to God. It is one of my earliest memories of experiencing God as “personal.”  

I loved winter because winter meant that Christmas was coming, and Christmas meant lights and red cowboy boots and grandparents and cousins and delicious food. When the first snow started to fall, I pulled on my coat and ran out into our front yard. I remember looking straight up into the cold, grey sky and feeling the snowflakes fall and melt on my face. I twirled around with my arms outstretched and felt embraced by the gentle snow, the soft breeze, and the invigorating chill. My heart welled up with joy and I felt God's presence and joy so clearly. I burst out with a song, a simple, ambling melody with words of gratitude to God for the snow. I felt like, somehow, this was something we were doing together.

I remember that moment so clearly. I'm grateful for that memory because I can recall what it was like to experience God's love without any agenda or complexity or shame or insecurity. I felt God's grace and I was secure. When Jesus says that we should be like children in our faith, I have at least a small sample in my memory of what that might be like.

The Bible tells us that God remembers us and we are to remember him. Memory helps us participate in God's love and gives us capacity to share it with those around us.  

This Sunday, we'll be exploring and experiencing “gratitude memories” together that help us develop a vital skill for strengthening our faith and our witness.  

I look forward to sharing our first “Joy Together” Sunday with you!

Steve Engstrom+

What is a “Joy Together” Sunday? Click here to find out.

Baptisms—Easter Sunday, April 9

If you or one (or more) of your children have not been baptized and you would like to find out more about doing so, contact Steve Wishart:

Maundy Thursday Service—April 6, 6:30PM

Good Friday Service—April 7, 6:30PM

Holy Saturday Service—April 8, noon on Zoom

Picture credit: Til Jentzsch on Unsplash


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