Women’s Bible Study

Women’s Bible Study

We are thrilled to announce the start of a Women’s Bible Study beginning Saturday, February 15 and continuing through June 21 every other week 9:00AM-11AM in the Parish Hall at 1309. We will be using as our guidebook A Woman’s Words by Chrystie Cole (Chrystie and Ken attended Redeemer for several weeks in the fall while sailing down the coast to somewhere warm).

You can explore Chrystie’s website here.

A Woman’s Words can be purchased on Amazon ($13)

If you are interested in attending or have any other questions, please contact our administrator, Tori Fox.

If you’re interested in potentially helping as a table facilitator, please contact Lauren Wishart.

Rectory Work Day—Tomorrow, January 25, 9AM-Noon

Join us as we continue to ready our Rectory for occupancy. There will be jobs for just about everyone, regardless of skill level!

Evening Prayer—Wednesdays, 7PM @ 1309

 Men’s Bible Study—Thursdays, 7AM @ 1309

Second Sunday Sandwiches—February 9 following worship

February Vestry Meeting—February 9 following Second Sunday Sandwiches

Photo Credit: Kelly Sikkema/Unsplash


Rectory Work Day


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