Genuine Wisdom

Genuine Wisdom

Sociologist E.O. Wilson penned this epigram to describe the dilemma of our day, “We are drowning in information, while starving for wisdom.” For him, and for James in this week’s Epistle reading, knowledge is not equal to wisdom, but only a part of it. Wisdom involves knowledge, but it is much more than that.

So, what is genuine wisdom, and why is it so important? What are its attributes and what are its fruits? What does wisdom actually do?

These are good questions to ask in a culture where so many put a premium on knowledge but seem to ignore, or even disdain, wisdom. Yet, in reading books or watching movies, our hearts, without even trying, are naturally inclined to the Gandalfs and the Dumbledores—not just because they’re smart and powerful, but because they take knowledge and power and put it to great use with wisdom.

I look forward to exploring James 3:13-18 with you Sunday.



Fall Home Groups—beginning next week! 

Fifth Sunday Picnic Potluck and Blessing of Students and Educators—Next Sunday following worship. Join us for a time of fellowship and encouragement at our back-to-school cookout picnic. The church will provide burgers, hot dogs, and the fixings; we’d like the congregation to fill in with sides and desserts. We plan to have a bounce house for the kids and some teen-led yard games.

 Second Sunday Sandwiches—Sunday, October 8 following worship

 October Vestry Meeting—Sunday October 8 following Second Sunday Sandwiches

 Eliot Society Lecture and Performance: “A Place to Be: Gospel Resonances in Classical Music” with Roger W. Lowther—Saturday, October 26, 6:30PM, Redeemer Sanctuary

 Redeemer Annual Meeting—Sunday, December 8

Photo Credit: Elisabeth Pierringer/Unsplash


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