The Big Green Book
The Big Green Book
Though as sisters and brothers in Christ we are already spiritually “members of one another” (Romans 12:5), this is the Sunday we will make membership at Redeemer “active” by publicly recording our names in our Parish Registry, “The Big Green Book”. The Parish Registry in an Anglican Church is the repository of important records pertaining to our lives in community: Baptisms, Membership, Confirmations, Weddings, and Burials.
During Communion, we will have the book available just outside the Sanctuary doors, visible to all, to record the names of those who wish to become Active Members. You can sign before you receive, after you receive, or just after we dismiss. We’re using the lobby—a very “public” space at Redeemer, even during the service—on this inaugural registration so that nobody feels any kind of pressure to join by coming to the front. Though we would love for everyone who meets our membership criteria* to join with us officially, we also want you to sign the book, or not, as you choose.
For families, the names of both adults and children living at home should be recorded each on their own line. So that we can do this expeditiously this week, we will backfill over the coming weeks with the additional information required in the Registry: birthdate and place, baptism date (month/year sufficient unless day known specifically) and place, and date signed and source (which for everyone on Sunday will be 12/3/2023, and “On request”). Our Administrator, Tori, will be at the table to help.
Local Mission
“Hello Redeemer family! This season we were able to contribute 18 Boxes for Operation Christmas Child and several boxes of holiday meal supplies for Lighthouse Shelter. Thank you so much to all who contributed. May the flourishing of our neighbors increase all the more in the name of Christ!”—Patrick Finn
Prayer Requests for Emily Scheie
As she prepares to sit for her comprehensive exams in her language Masters program
As she begins to discern her next steps in pursuing Bible translation ministry
Important Upcoming Events
Sunday, December 10—Redeemer Annual Meeting
Sunday, December 24, 10AM—Morning Prayer on Zoom
Sunday, December 24, 5PM—Festival of Lessons and Carols
Monday, December 25, 11AM—Holy Communion
Sunday, December 31—Fifth Sunday Potluck
*From Redeemer’s By-Laws:
Article VIII, Section 2: Membership in the Congregation shall extend to those who:
1. have reached the age of majority;
2. have been baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (and preferably Confirmed by the Bishop);
3. assent unreservedly to the three Ecumenical Creeds (Apostles’, Nicene, Athanasian);
4. sacrificially steward their time, talent, and treasure in the furtherance of Redeemer’s Shared Vision;
5. regularly attend the public worship of Redeemer Anglican Church (regular attendance being here defined as at least monthly, to the greatest extent possible at a worship service, or if shut-in, to have receive communion monthly); and,
6. publicly sign the Redeemer Parish Registry (The Big Green Book).