Crumbs Under the Table
Photo by shche_ team on Unsplash
The Prayer of Humble Access in our Eucharistic liturgy comes, in part, from a remarkable conversation recorded in this week’s Gospel reading: “Apart from your grace, we are not worthy so much as to gather up the crumbs under your table…”
It’s thought to be a playful—though at first blush insulting—conversation in which a desperate mother responds to Jesus’ seemingly harsh comment to her with alacrity, wit, and charm. And Jesus, whose character is always to have mercy, honors her request.
Despite the outcome, this story is a sharp reminder to us that Jesus wasn’t simply called to go around being helpful to everyone. He had specific (and controversial) things to do and a limited time to do them.
Lauren and I are excited to see you Sunday. We’ve missed you.
Second Sunday Sandwiches
Next week, September 12, after worship