Can’t Hide From Hyde

Can’t Hide From Hyde

At one point in the classic Robert Lewis Stevenson Gothic novella, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Henry Jekyll quotes from this week’s Epistle reading. The first time Jekyll takes the potion and finds himself becoming Hyde he says, “I knew myself, at the first breath of this new life to be more wicked—tenfold more wicked—sold as a slave to sin.”

In Romans 7, St. Paul talks about two selves, in a sense, warring within. An inner conflict between good and evil. “For we know that the law is spiritual, but I am of the flesh, sold as a slave to sin.” (7:14) That’s the passage Jekyll quotes.

Despite its being 137 years old, the story is incredibly engaging and chilling. It prompts the reader to ask fundamental questions about human nature in general, and their own nature in particular. The answer we get in the story (confirmed in Romans 7) is that Stevenson is right in his pessimistic view of human nature—we can’t hide from Hyde—but that’s where the story of Jekyll ends, leaving the reader bereft of hope. Stevenson stops just a few verses too early. He accurately diagnoses the problem, but misses the solution.

See you Sunday.


Second Sunday Sandwiches—Sunday following worship

June Vestry Meeting—Sunday following Second Sunday Sandwiches

Promoting the Gospel

Redeemer’s Shared Vision is “To proclaim and promote the Gospel; giving ever more time, talent, and treasure to seeking the flourishing of our neighbors.” Proclaiming is like what we do when we gather for worship or share the gospel with someone. Promoting are those things we do to make the gospel plausible to our neighbors. Here are some ways you can help promote the gospel in our community this summer:

  • Food Friday—Annapolis: Link

  • Happy Helpers for the Homeless—Halethorp: Link

  • Historic London Town and Gardens—Edgewater: Link

  • Save Our Trees—Annapolis: Link

  • Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (S.E.R.C)—Edgewater: Link

Some Upcoming Events

  • Saturday, July 15—Bowie Baysox Baseball and Fireworks

  • Sunday, July 30—Fifth Sunday Potluck

  • Sunday, August 27—Worship, Blessing of Students and Educators, and Picnic on the Bay

  • Saturday, September 9—Bowie Baysox Baseball and Fireworks

  • Sunday, September 10—Adult Confirmation Class begins (six weeks)

  • Sunday, October 22—Bishop Julian Episcopal Visitation

Picture credit: Public domain


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Worship Live or Online this morning