Been There, Experienced That
Been There, Experienced That
Lent lasts forty days excluding Sundays, because as celebrations of the Resurrection of Jesus they are always feast days and never fast days.
These forty days recall Christ’s fasting and temptation in the wilderness following his baptism by John in the Jordan River. And because we’re in Year B of the three-year Sunday Lectionary cycle, this Sunday’s Gospel comes from Mark (Matthew is Year A, Luke is Year C). As opposed to Matthew and Luke, who give a lot more detail, Marks account is astoundingly brief. The entire forty days take up only two quick sentences in Mark 1. That’s it. We get the specific content of the three temptations Jesus faced in Matthew and Luke.
But still, even in Mark’s brevity, the stunning point is clear: we have a God who knows by experience what it’s like to be tempted and tried. He’s been in the wilderness...and knows—truly knows—what we face every day.
See you Sunday.
News & Announcements:
Work Day at 1309 Saturday—9AM to Noon (drop by if/when you can)
Our tasks for tomorrow will be cleaning the garage at the house, continuing grounds cleanup (weather permitting), some wall patching and paint-prepping, kitchen and bathroom cleaning, window cleaning, and sundry odd jobs—something for just about everyone. Please bring:
gas-powered leaf blowers (again, weather permitting)
rakes, shovels, brooms, dustpans
work gloves
Lots of work that will be better together!
Serving Teams
With our anticipated move to 1309 on Sunday, March 24th, it’s time to start planning for what it will take to ensure everyone who worships with us feels welcome, comfortable, and secure. Obviously, a much bigger home than we’re accustomed to will require more teams and more folks serving on each team. What a great opportunity for us to work together to both proclaim and promote the Gospel! Here are some of the teams we’re forming or expanding:
Children’s Formation—bolstering and expanding our existing ministry
Ushers—helping folks find seats, assisting the weekly offering, and directing “traffic” during communion (at least 2 per Sunday)
Greeters—ensuring everyone feels welcome, receives a bulletin, and is pointed in the right direction
Hospitality—preparing and cleaning up coffee service, planning and helping with social events
Altar Guild—preparing the Lord’s Table and platform for Sunday worship
Technical—sound, lighting, and streaming (not super-technical)
Readers and Prayer Leaders—read Scriptures and lead The Prayers of the People in our services
Lay Eucharistic Ministers—helping serve communion
Tuesday Team—cleaning windows, sweeping, vacuuming, emptying trash (very, very light janitorial, perfect for retirees)
We will have more information on Sunday, but please consider where you might serve.
Important Upcoming Events
Saturday, February 17, 9AM-Noon—Workday at 1309
Sunday, March 24—1309 Grand Opening! (Palm Sunday)
Thursday, March 28, 7PM—Maundy Thursday Service
Friday, March 29, 7PM—Good Friday Service
Saturday, March 30, Noon—Holy Saturday Service
Sunday, March 31—Easter Sunday
Sunday, April 7–1309 Consecration with Bishop Julian
Photo: Kristian Egelund on Unsplash