Not a Consultant

Photo by Steven Lasry on Unsplash

In this week’s Gospel reading, Jesus clearly identifies himself as the Good Shepherd of Psalm 23. That sounds wonderful to say, but what exactly does it mean? It means he has to be everything to us. It means, as Jesus says in John 15, “Without me you can do nothing.”

 But we don’t believe that. In fact everything in our heart militates against that. We might like the sound of it, but we hate the truth of it. Our hearts basically believe that we’re a pretty good people; more intelligent than most. We can make great decisions, except occasionally in a real pinch.

 So, most of us don’t want a shepherd…we want a consultant. Someone who’s on retainer and can come when we need them.

 A shepherd, however, is absolutely not a consultant.

We Need Your Help!

As our community begins “ramping up” to some semblance of normalcy, we find ourselves once again in need of a broader group of those willing to shoulder the work of gathering as a community. Specifically, we’re in need of volunteers in these areas:

  • Setup/Takedown: Requires an hour or so before our service, and a half hour afterward. Also, the ability to lift and carry objects weighing up to 35 lbs.

  • Children’s Formation: It’s our desire not only to restart regular in-person Children’s Formation on Sunday mornings, but to expand our age-group offerings. This requires a heart for children and the ability to serve one time per month. Training and a background check are also required.

  • Readers: Lectionary readings and Prayers of the People.

  • Hospitality: Greeters and (eventually) Coffee Ambassadors.

You can let us know if you’re willing to help in one of these areas by clicking this link.

 Job Opening: Administrator

We’re seeking a part-time (paid) Administrator (6-8 hrs/wk).

 Redeemer’s Administrator plays a vital role, ensuring relevant records are accurately kept and reported, systems and processes are institutionalized, communications are accurate and professional, and assisting the Rector and Vestry in the day-to-day management of the church. There’s an errand or two to run every week, but the work is primarily from home and the schedule very flexible.

 If you or someone you know might be interested, please email JoEllyn Fountain ( for a detailed job description and salary information.

Your Permissions Needed

It is time to get our permissions updated so that we can make sure that we treat your data and your images in the way you would want them to be. What does that mean? If you do NOT want your or your family’s photos used on the Redeemer website OR you do NOT want your address, email, etc. included in a directory that would only be given to Redeemer members, please email JoEllyn Fountain ( so she can record it. If we don’t hear from you, we will assume that you have granted your permission.

 See you Sunday,



Worship outdoors or online this morning


Worship outdoors or online this morning