A Friend Indeed

A Friend Indeed

In this week’s Gospel reading from John 15, Jesus is spending one last night—just prior to his arrest, torture, and crucifixion—with a few of his closest friends. He’s encouraging and equipping them for the next chapter of their lives and mission without him physically present.

 In this farewell discourse, Jesus uses a word to describe a radical change in his relationship with them that, largely with the “help” of social media, has become familiar to us to the point of losing its punch, but is utterly profound in its usage here: he calls them—and by extension, us—friends.

This ought to stop us in our tracks because here is the eternal, omnipotent, God of the universe calling us his friends with all the weight that word carries.

 What is it about the core of his mission—his death on the cross—that is so strong it can turn servants, strangers, and even enemies into friends? Because that’s what he says here.

 And why is this so important?

I look forward to exploring this with you Sunday.


Membership Day—Sunday, May 19. Together we will joyfully welcome new Members!

Youth and Adult Formation Discussion—Sunday, May 19 following worship (more below)

From Steve Engstrom: Youth and Adult Formation Discussion

Like many of you, I am inspired by our beautiful new church home to imagine how we can use the space for developing our ministry and mission.  

As I focus especially on the ministry of formation, I see new possibilities for developing youth ministry, catechesis, and adult education. There are many among us with gifts, ideas, and experience who may want to participate in developing our formation ministry.

On Sunday, May 19th following worship, I would like to invite all who are interested in helping establish a good foundation for Redeemer to join me for lunch in a discussion as a first step in getting organized.

I will facilitate a dialogue around some of the following areas:

    • What resources do we have among us for leading, teaching, organizing, or supporting formation and teaching ministries?

    • What would it take to launch a Sunday formation program for youth (junior-high, high school) and adults that meets before the morning worship service?

    • How should we organize ourselves to move forward?

Perhaps an outcome will be the creation of a small task force to organize next steps. Or perhaps other clear directions will emerge. I will capture our key points and organize our work together as our vision unfolds.

Developing our formation ministries will take time, resources, and good ideas from many people to address the challenges and opportunities.  There is no obligation to volunteer or contribute anything to join us for this session. If you have an interest in formation for any reason, you are welcome to listen, contribute, and help us build the capacity to enrich our teaching and formation ministries.    

If you are interested in attending, let me know here so I can plan accordingly.  


    • What: Youth and Adult Formation Discussion

    • When: Sunday, May 19th following worship, approximately 90 minutes (ending by 1:30PM).  

    • Lunch: Pizza, salad, and drinks will be provided.  

Thanks for considering the invitation and I look forward to the dialogue!

Image: Remi Walle/Unsplash


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